‘But I venture that not even cricket has a vocabulary as wide and arcane as that of sailing.’.
‘One more thing has changed in headlines, apart from type size and wordiness: the language itself, the vocabulary.’.‘EEC competition law requires its own vocabulary, carefully honed to express its own particular tensions.’.‘These, and similar phrases, form the vocabulary of dictatorship.’.‘In any case, from that point onward, ‘homeland defense’ was a stock phrase in the vocabulary of national defense talk.’.‘His arguments, phrased in the vocabulary of the modern scientist and based upon the latest of neurological studies, are those of nineteenth century liberalism.’.‘We try to keep their intensity and power alive as we learn the violent vocabulary of citizenship.’.
‘We wanted to develop and share a vocabulary about learning, especially in the humanities.’. ‘The implication is that the vocabulary of praise is learned in the cult, and then believers apply it in their daily lives.’. ‘‘Training sessions’ in which the pseudo-science vocabulary can be learned, have become part of the activists' agenda.’. ‘And it was in the second part of his speech that he adopted both a new vocabulary and an old style.’. ‘So, I'm learning the vocabulary for a lot of topics like boy-girl problems, but little about finance, which is what I should be learning.’. ‘It has none of the apparatus of a study volume, and its conceptual vocabulary belongs to the sphere of ecumenists and ecclesiologists, not to a general audience.’. ‘Prior to entering, she studied concepts such as defining her business and its services, learning basic business vocabulary, and marketing and management.’. ‘On some occasions, the vocabulary that she employs in her response to Derrida is recriminatory.’. ‘As an added bonus, I realised, new falconers get to learn a vocabulary of Medieval English for free.’. ‘the term became part of business vocabulary’. ‘There isn't a word in the English vocabulary to describe her.’. ‘Thanks to foreign influences, particularly Latin and Greek, on the English vocabulary, a large number of foreign words were absorbed in the English language.’. ‘These people absorbed into their language some of the vocabulary of the native populations of the area, but the identity and origin of these earlier peoples is now unknown.’. ‘For Lope, proper poetry must be intelligently written and must not deviate from the normative vocabulary of the Spanish language.’. ‘Soon the young language was not only standing on its own two grammatical feet, it also possessed the largest vocabulary of any language on the planet.’. ‘Abstract words form the bulk of the vocabulary of major modern languages like English.’. ‘One of the few Russian words to have entered the vocabulary of other languages, dacha originally meant a parcel of land given by the tsar to his aristocratic servitors.’. ‘First, one must have a firm command over classical Arabic language including its vocabulary, grammar, metaphors, and idioms.’. ‘While these languages shared phonology and grammar, they had entirely different vocabularies.’. ‘It is often said that the vocabulary of a language is an inventory of the items a culture talks about and has categorized in order to make sense of the world.’. ‘It involves comparison to reconstruct, if you like, the ancient vocabularies that present-day languages are derived from.’.